Saturday, September 23, 2017

Oh Wow / Purple Splash rose

Oh Wow / Purple Splash Rose - is a large-flowered climber. It can grow up to 400 cm high. 
I planted mine last autumn, but since then it has grown to about 1,4m high and bloomed a few flowers. It's still flowering though. 

The first developed blooms had been eaten by some insects so I had to wait more to see these fancy purple flowers. 

The first flowers had more white in a purple-white mix, but the next were darker. 


  1. Przepiękne zdjęcia. Kocham kwiaty całym sercem. Piękne kolory. Marzy mi się ogród pełen barw. Pewnie miałabym pełno fioletu, bo jest to kolor mój ulubiony. :) Życzę Ci udanego weekendu. :))

  2. Piękne róże. Ja tażze kocham te kwiaty, to DAMY:)

  3. Gorgeous roses, Dewberry!

    Have a nice day!
