Thursday, May 2, 2013

Outdoor beauties: small flowers // Ogrodowe piękności: drobne kwiaty

Today, I'm posting photos of some small flowers that grow in my mom's and in my gardens.
Unfortunately, I don't know all the names of these flowers, so maybe you will be able to help me with identification :)


Dzisiaj zamieszczam zdjęcia drobnych kwiatków, które rosną w ogrodach mojej mamy i moim.
Niestety nie znam nazw wszystkich kwiatów, więc może mi pomożecie z ich identyfikacją :)

(I don't know the name)
Lungwort // Miodunka plamista (pulmonaria officinalis)

Wood anemone // Zawilec gajowy (anemone nemorosa)

Common violet // fiołek wonny (viola odorata)
Lesser celandine // Ziarnopłon wiosenny (ranunculus ficaria)
(I don't know the name)
(I don't know the name)
Scilla; squill // Cebulica syberyjska (scilla)
Lucile's Glory-of-the-snow // Śnieżnik lśniący (chionodoxa luciliae)


  1. 1 a guess - arabis.
    9 looks like a small spurge or euphorbia
    10 a saxifrage

  2. Beautiful. Such cheerful vibrant colours.

  3. I agree with Sue although my first thought on photo no. 1 was Aubretia. The violets are beautiful.

    1. My first thought was aubretia too but the leaves didn't look quite right and the flowers looked pinkier than any aubretia I have seen.

  4. Same here, for aubrietia, in a nice pinkish colour. Love the wood anemones, and the violets ! But I'm not sure about euphorbia above the saxifrage, because the leaves don't look like it. (but then it may be one with a different aspect).
    Love, love love to see all these flowers. It feels so good to see nature spring back to life.

  5. These flowers take my breath away! Just so very pretty.
