Monday, January 14, 2013

The weather isn't on the gardener's side // Pogoda nie sprzyja ogrodnikowi

The weather isn't on the gardener's side. The white powdery snow has covered everything, the temperature is 8 degrees below zero. I 'd like to go outside and dig, plant or weed something in the garden but there's nothing I could do there.. except walking  my dog or feeding the birds :)


Pogoda nie sprzyja ogrodnikowi. Biały puch pokrył wszystko a temperatura spadła 8 stopni poniżej zera. Chciałabym wyjść na dwór, pokopać, posadzić albo popielić coś w ogrodzie, ale niestety.. mogę tylko zabrać psa na spacer albo nakarmić ptaki :)
A doily for my mother-in-law

Blue tit // sikora modra

 Great tit // sikora bogatka

In winter I always have some time to to knit or crochet. The majority of stuff I make, I give to my friends and family. This Christmas I made some crocheted presents: a tea cup for my mom, a doily for my mother-in-law and a few stars for my friend and for my aunt. Currently I'm working on a baby blanket made out of granny squares.


W zimę zawsze mam czas, aby coś podziergać czy poszydełkować. Większość rzeczy, które robię oddaję znajomym i rodzinie. W tym roku na święta Bożego Narodzenia zrobiłam szydełkowe prezenty: filiżankę ze spodkiem dla mojej mamy, serwetkę dla teściowej i kilka gwiazdek na choinkę dla koleżanki i cioci. Obecnie robię szydełkowy kocyk dla dziecka z 'babcinych kwadratów'.

A tea cup // filiżanka

 Stars // gwiazdki

Baby blanket // kocyk dla dziecka


  1. It amazed me how quickly our snow was disappearing today as it was cold when the snow fell.

    1. Last week was quite warm here and no snow, now it's cold and snowy; in just one week the weather changed so diametrically. If the temperature is much below zero, it's better for the plants to be covered in snow. I remember last year in February, there was -20 degrees and no snow; as a result, some of the plants froze to death e.g. rhododendron. I was both sad and angry about that.
      You are lucky Sue, your garden looks as if there was a spring already :)

  2. You seem very good at intricate crochet work. I love to crochet as well, but after 5 years of trying to get better, i'm still very much in the beginner's stage. I love doing granny squares but get so confused and frustrated trying to join them all neatly. Many times my blankets are just huge granny squares. lol

    1. I also have problems joining squares together :) The easiest thing is to crochet as many identical squares as you want.. but what next :) I was thinking about making a blanket from just one very big granny square, i think it would be quite simple to crochet and it would look as nice as a blanket with many squares :) I must really think it over.
