Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bird's swimming pool // Ptasi basen

In my town's park there is a lake where some of the surface didn't freeze. It's probably because there are waterworks nearby and maybe they increase the temperature causing the water to be still flowing.

People are coming here with kids to feed the birds. But, there are so plenty of them that I'm not sure they're getting enough food. There are mostly mallards (anas platyrhynchos), typical town birds such as pigeons, jackdaws or rooks, but you can also see some common gulls (larus canus). This is quite interesting because in the past gulls always stayed north of Poland, close to the Baltic sea; nowadays, especially in winter, they're becoming more and more frequent visitors to the central Poland where I live.


  1. Hi Dewberry,

    the birds seem to be having much fun bathing in the icy-cold water! Brrr!!

    1. Hi!
      I think the more they move the more warm water is :)

  2. Gosh, it sure looks cold where you are at the moment! :)

    1. Yes, it was very cold. 15 degrees below 0 at night was the coldest temperature this winter. Now it's getting better and better :) It's 5 degrees above 0 and the snow is melting slowly.

  3. There are certainly lots of birds. In freezing weather they really have to search for water so we try to keep our bird baths ice free which isn't always easy but our pond doesn't freeze entirely as we keep the pump going.

    Birds often sleep on the water and some have been known to wake up having been frozen in!

    1. I hope that the more ducks sit in the water the more warm they become. In fact they need to move their feet all the time in the water, so they cause the water to flow and it becomes warmer I think.

  4. Po raz trzeci próbuję pisać komentarz. Nie mogłam go umieścić, nie pokazywał mi się obrazek do weryfikacji komentarza. Pisałam, że dobrze iż staw całkiem nie zamarza, bo ptaki mogą pływać i szukać jedzenia. Pozdrawiam.

    1. Ten kawałek wody, to dla nich jakiś ratunek, chociaż jakby i tu zamarzło, to poleciały pewnie gdzieś dalej :)

  5. Really nice lake and it seems that the birds really like it there. I am surprise that they don't go south for warmth.
    I feed my birds everyday and they sure let me know when their feeder is empty. Stay warm.

    1. Well, in the past these wild ducks were always going south to survive winters. Since people had started to feed them, they got used to it. Nowadays, these birds are here every winter waiting for some apples or bread crumbs; I think that they've become lazy. They obviously could have gone south and then come back in spring, but they don't want to, they don't have to, because people provide them with food :)

  6. Hi Dew..
    I really like the view shown..very peaceful, nice with birds around the lake..wish i would be there..:)

    1. Hi!
      It only looks peaceful ;) The birds were quite noisy actually, especially mallards which make this funny noise resembling a human's laugh!

  7. I have never seen so many ducks in one place - I know it is hard in our garden to keep the water unfrozen in winter so the small birds come down to the pond for drinks and a bath

    1. Yes, that's right. I think they've chosen this place intentionally because there's a kindergarten nearby and young kids come there everyday with their teachers to feed these birds :)
